Embody Belonging in the Wild Retreat
Eastern Sun Temple Mountain Hut
Mt. Brennan, Kaslo, BC
February 3rd-5th
Do you long to deepen into connection with community?
Do you love getting out into wild, natural places?
How about journeys of self discovery and celebration?
The Eastern Sun Temple is a space devoted to these kinds of experiences, and this is a special opportunity to bring this dream to life.
Together, we will co-create a magical weekend of adventure, ritual, dance, and connection which will be both nourishing and uplifting. Imagine two nights in the backcountry with an intimate group of 12 heart-centered beings sharing yummy foods, saunas, rituals, practices, ecstatic dance, a cacao ceremony, and space to play and explore.
You are invited to join us for Embody Belonging in the Wild Retreat, February 3rd-5th, on Mt. Brennan.
Facilitation by Amber Wolf Moon, Ariel-Paul & Dustin East
We are so excited to celebrate this Special Time with you to Relax, Unwind, Renew, and be Inspired. We are Crafting a Magical, Potent Experience that will include Elements of Focused Connection, as well as Open Space for Organic Exploration alone and in Community.
You Can Look Forward To:
-Gathering at 1 pm Friday for an Opening Sauna at the base of the Mountain before a 45 minute Ski Tour/Snowshoe in. (Arrive nourished with lunch in hand)
-Supper in the Temple Friday evening followed by an Opening Ceremony to Connect and Ground Together
-Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper served Saturday.
-A mix of Individual, Partnered and Group Practices throughout the day on Saturday including Somatic Work, Eco-psychology, and Authentic Relating.
-Open Space to Breathe and Move with Your own Being, including Ski Touring.
-A Cacao Ecstatic Dance with optional micro-dose Saturday Evening
-Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday
-Closing Practices and Ceremony Sunday morning
-Ski Tour/Snowshoe out Sunday afternoon.
-Sauna available throughout the Weekend at the Hut
-Everyone Sleeping in the Temple Space (BYO Mat & Sleeping Bag)
There is no Set Fee for this event. Find your growth edge. Invest in yourself, and this unique, nourishing experience. If it helps to have a range, call it $0-1000. Our goal is to receive an average of $500/participant. This pays for the Facilitator's time, the Food, and the Evolving Vision of the Eastern Sun Temple. Click the button below if you have any questions.
Space is very limited. Please send an etransfer to arielpaul@breakthroughsomatics.com to receive your spot.